If your life is not awesome right now, welcome.

A few details: I grew up in a steel town north of Pittsburgh, lived in southern California as a young adult, then settled north of Seattle to raise our family of seven children with Bill, my anchor of 41 years. I write about health crises, caregiving, loss and grief, mostly because you write what you know…right?

The storms of life, although painful, are not meaningless. They can be filled with redemptive growth and blessing and joy. But they are difficult--emotionally, physically, relationally, and often financially. Yet, when I look in the rear view mirror of my life, it’s those times of trial and suffering that have been the most transformative.

So as I write about things you normally don’t talk about in line at the grocery store--or sometimes even with family or friends--no one will change the subject, avert their eyes, or check their phones. Now and then I will share helpful books and articles I've read. My hope is that you'll find wisdom here, one crisis at a time.