Even the Wind and the Sea Obey Him

Last weekend we lost power, as did half of our county, in a windstorm that the local utility company said brought the worst destruction they’d seen in forty or fifty years. Many trees fell on homes, electricity lines, and roads. It was a tough weekend for many, including the linemen who are still trying to restore power here on Day 6. In fact, there are over 1500 homes still without heat, lights or even water, if they are on a well. Very difficult time for so many.

These windstorms, which come every fall and winter around here, remind me of the story in Mark 4, when during a storm on the Sea of Galilee as he was crossing in a boat with his disciples, Jesus calmed the wind and sea with the words, “Peace, Be still!” His disciples were filled with fear and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?” (Mark 4:39-41).

Two thoughts come to my mind when comparing that storm on the Sea of Galilee to the one we just went through—or to any storms one might encounter in life.

1. Jesus is with us. He is Emmanuel, God with us. We may not know how long the storm will last—or the outages!—but He does. And He won’t leave us alone to fend for ourselves. He is with us. For us, He provided help through our sons and their wives who live nearby. Their warm houses provided much needed relief from the cold. So grateful to them both.

2. The storm won’t last any longer than He sovereignly deems necessary. An effect of the power outage on me is that I have been reminded of the blessings of running water, lights and heat. Often when we are without a convenience we are accustomed to, when it is restored, we appreciate it much more than before. And believe me, I have thanked God every morning since our power came back on for our warm home, lights, and running water.

I pray for those still without power, and for those working hard to restore it. And in the meantime, Lord, in this month as we remember the things we’re thankful for, help me to be grateful for all the big and small blessings you give me every day. And thank you that even the wind and seas obey you.


It’s been awhile…