It’s been awhile…

Here we are at another election cycle and I’m embarrassed to admit that my last post was from two major elections ago. In the interim, we’ve gained two kids-in-law, thirteen grandchildren, more white hair and a few pounds. I also finished my book, The Days Planned For Me, which is available on Amazon. If you buy it, please leave a review—reviews are helpful for others who might be interested in it, too.

And as the name of my blog suggests, we’ve just experienced a bit of a crises, or more a passing on of the last generation, when my mother-in-law died earlier this month just two weeks shy of her 97th birthday. The funeral will be in Joplin, her girlhood home, and where her husband and baby daughter are buried. Her last few years were a struggle with increasing dementia, making her home-going a bittersweet relief. She was a gift in the mother-in-law department, always loving, supportive, and never meddling. In many ways, a mentor for me in how I relate to my kids-in-law. She will be greatly missed.

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:4


Even the Wind and the Sea Obey Him


How I Can Respect Your Vote, Even If I Disagree With It